Stadt Frankfurt am Main Allemagne - 643 857 habitants
Présentation de l'organisation :
The city of Frankfurt is located in the heart of germany and the heart of europe. Nevertheless it is a very international town. It is well-known for its skyline, for the international aiport, and the frankfurt-fair. The European Central Bank and many other international Organisations are located in this town.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Frankfurt is a funding member of the Climate Alliance of European Cities.
The Energy-Management has a tradition of more than 20 years.
The main-focus of the Energy-Management is the controlling (i.e. the automatic data collection), the operating optimization, and the energetic optimization of new buildings. One of the first passive-house-scools in Europe was build in Frankfurt.
More information is available on our web site (sorry, it's in german).
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :
Crêche / Jardin d'enfants
Enseignement général
Enseignement professionnel
Social / Culturel
Dispensaire médical
Centre de secours
Logement collectif
Habitat individuel |
Commerce |
Restaurant |
Industrie |
Contact : | M. Mathias Linder
Département : | Energiemanagement
Adresse : | Gerbermühlstrasse 48 DE-60594 Frankfurt am Main
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