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Display News
  Newsletter n°7 - English   www.display-campaign.org


| 704 visits



Join the Display® Campaign | 628 visits
The greatest number of public buildings labelled in Europe. More than 200 local authorities from 25 countries are already active in displaying the energy (...)


Commitment to energy efficiency pays off: First DISPLAY® "Towards Class A" Award given to the best municipal communication campaign | 663 visits
The Display “TCA” Awards were presented at a special ceremony during the 3rd BISE Forum in Riga which every year gathers participants from New Member States, (...)


Congratulations to: Verona – winner of the national Legambiente award | 685 visits
The Mayor of Verona during a congress organised in Mantua by Legambiente, was awarded a prize for the city’s commitment to energy saving through their (...)


A boiler adapted to your needs, savings guaranteed! | 670 visits
With its 6 700 inhabitants, Seyssins is part of the Grenoble urban agglomeration (the METRO). The City is already committed to the development of a more (...)


Latest Statistics of the project | 646 visits
Since our last statistics overview in April 2006 (Newsletter 4), 70 new local authorities have joined bringing us to a total of 226 who have signed the (...)

  Display in numbers


The “Towards Class A” electronic newsletter is intended to keep you posted on the activities and progress of the “Towards Class A - Municipal Buildings as Shining Examples” project (-). The “Towards Class A” project is co-financed by the European Commission’s DG TREN. It is aimed at anticipating and accelerating the implementation of the European “Buildings” Directive through the extension of the European Display™ Campaign.

Energie-Cités - December

  Display NEWS is the newsletter of the Display Campaign. To learn more about Display, please go to: www.display-campaign.org. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, please click here.
To subscribe to this newsletter, please go to the Display Website.

Energie-Cités Logo   This message has been sent from Energy Cities - 2, chemin de Palente - FR-25000 Besançon
Contact: Ian Turner
Tel: +33 3 81 65 37 93 / E-mail: www.energy-cities.eu/ian
More information: www.energy-cities.eu

The Display Campaign is driven by hundreds of committed European municipalities and supported by the following organisations:

Intelligent Energy Europe
The sole responsibility of the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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