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Display News
  Newsletter n°11 - English   www.display-campaign.org


Towards 2008
| 612 visits

2007 has been a very successful year for the Display Campaign. Many of you have been actively communicating your buildings’ energy performance. As a result, many more municipal employees, caretakers, teachers, schoolkids, moms and dads act now "towards class A". The high number of candidates for (...)
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DISPLAY®-O-METER | 513 visits
The year ends well for Display®: Up to date, including private partners, 311 institutions are participating in the Campaign. All together, they have (...)


Latest Statistics: 7000 Buildings Registered! | 533 visits
Number of adherents 85 new members now participate in the Display® Campaign, bringing the number of charter signatories to 311 and the number of online (...)


More than 100 Shining Examples on the website | 912 visits
League of Excellence The Display® Campaign has managed to exceed its goal of publishing 100 Shining Examples by the end of 2007, with 103 published (...)


Shining Montreux | 693 visits
Montreux is influencing the population by being an example. This has made it one of the more than 100 Shining Examples of the Display Campaign. Montreux (...)
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News telegram | 520 visits
Events During the second EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 3 important events will take place in which Display Campaign members will be present: 1. (...)


Questionnaire about the relationship between communication and energy efficiency in public buildings | 628 visits
In order to identify the successful communication strategies aiming at improving public buildings’ energy efficiency, a link for an on-line questionnaire (...)

  Display in numbers

The “Towards Class A” electronic newsletter is intended to keep you posted on the activities and progress of the “Towards Class A - Municipal Buildings as Shining Examples” project. The “Towards Class A” project is co-financed by the European Commission’s DG TREN. It is aimed at anticipating and accelerating the implementation of the European “Buildings” Directive through the extension of the European Display® Campaign.

Energie-Cités - December

  Display NEWS is the newsletter of the Display Campaign. To learn more about Display, please go to: www.display-campaign.org. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, please click here.
To subscribe to this newsletter, please go to the Display Website.

Energie-Cités Logo   This message has been sent from Energy Cities - 2, chemin de Palente - FR-25000 Besançon
Contact: Ian Turner
Tel: +33 3 81 65 37 93 / E-mail: www.energy-cities.eu/ian
More information: www.energy-cities.eu

The Display Campaign is driven by hundreds of committed European municipalities and supported by the following organisations:

Intelligent Energy Europe
The sole responsibility of the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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