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Display News
  Monthly newsletter n°19 - April 2009   www.display-campaign.org


Highland games – Communication and energy efficiency rewarded
| 436 visits

The Highland Council showed the rest of Europe that they too are ready to “play the game”. On Thursday the 23rd of April in Brussels they received the Display® Towards Class A award. The 2009 awards were presented at the Gala dinner of the Energie-Cités and Climate Alliance conference titled “3x20 (...)


Pamplona, Ivanic-Grad and Kaunas playing the game! | 617 visits
Last week (23 April 2009) at the joint annual rendezvous of Energie-Cites and Climate Alliance three Display members shared their experiences with (...)


Cork County Council to save over €400,000 in energy costs this year | 391 visits
Following extensive work by the Energy Section of Cork County Council, initiatives are currently being taken which will have the impact of reducing Cork (...)


Finnish Energy Agencies interested in Display® | 512 visits
On the 25th of March 2009 Finnish Energy Agencies and the National Energy Agency Motiva visited the City of Helsinki PWD-Construction Management Division (...)


Upcoming events | 431 visits
May 29th - European Energy Day in Cascais To celebrate the European Energy Day, Cascais Energy Agengy is promoting a Study Trip, where 100 children from (...)

  Display in numbers

, Buildings
, Posters

  Display NEWS is the newsletter of the Display Campaign. To learn more about Display, please go to: www.display-campaign.org. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, please click here.
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Energie-Cités Logo   This message has been sent from Energy Cities - 2, chemin de Palente - FR-25000 Besançon
Contact: Ian Turner
Tel: +33 3 81 65 37 93 / E-mail: www.energy-cities.eu/ian
More information: www.energy-cities.eu

The Display Campaign is driven by hundreds of committed European municipalities and supported by the following organisations:

Intelligent Energy Europe
The sole responsibility of the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Caisse des Dépôts Dexia EcoDriver Isover Philips