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Display News
  Newsletter n°1 - English   www.display-campaign.org


The Display™ Campaign: a European tool to be used by municipalities and their citizens
| 614 visits

What is the Display™ Campaign? The European Display™ Campaign was designed by energy experts from 20 European towns and cities. It is aimed at encouraging local authorities to publicly display the energy and environmental performances of their public buildings using the same energy label as (...)


European DISPLAY™ Campaign Information Day, 1st June 2005: a real success! | 667 visits
Mr Søren Møller, the Deputy Mayor of Odense, President of Energie-Cités and master of ceremonies for the day, got the proceedings underway with a warm welcome (...)


Next steps for Display™: Working together towards Class A! | 823 visits
After having successfully set up and launched the Display™ Campaign, during the following two years the Campaign members will focus on extending the number (...)


A special dossier on the Display™ Campaign | 655 visits
The last issue of Energie-Cites INFO has just come out, together with a pull-out supplement dedicated to the Display™ Campaign. The supplement provides a (...)


Get Power, Save Energy: Join the Display™ Campaign! | 662 visits
The Display™ Campaign and its partners invite all interested European municipalities to commit themselves to displaying the performance of their buildings (...)

  Display in numbers


The “Towards Class A” electronic newsletter is intended to keep you posted on the activities and progress of the “Towards Class A - Municipal Buildings as Shining Examples” project (-). Three newsletters will be published in .
The “Towards Class A” project is co-financed by the European Commission’s DG TREN. It is aimed at anticipating and accelerating the implementation of the European “Buildings” Directive through the extension of the European Display™ Campaign.

Energie-Cités - June

  Display NEWS is the newsletter of the Display Campaign. To learn more about Display, please go to: www.display-campaign.org. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, please click here.
To subscribe to this newsletter, please go to the Display Website.

Energie-Cités Logo   This message has been sent from Energy Cities - 2, chemin de Palente - FR-25000 Besançon
Contact: Ian Turner
Tel: +33 3 81 65 37 93 / E-mail: www.energy-cities.eu/ian
More information: www.energy-cities.eu

The Display Campaign is driven by hundreds of committed European municipalities and supported by the following organisations:

Intelligent Energy Europe
The sole responsibility of the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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