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Община Самоков
Bulgaria - 26 300 inhabitants

Presentation of the organisation:

Samokov municipality is situated in the Southeast part of Sofia District and is occupying 19% of its territory (1192,4 km2 ) - one third in national plan. Its favorable geographic location, diverse mountain relief, specific bio-climatic conditions, abundance of high quality drinking and thermal waters, are part of the conditions determining the development of tourism, forestry and agriculture as main priorities for municipality. The rich cultural - educational, and historic inheritage, numerous culture monuments add to the variety of its tourist appearance.
Its situation close to the Capital Sofia, the international tourist resort Borovets, the national resort Maliovitsa, the spa resort “Belcin Bani” are additional proof of its good potential for future steady development of the Municipality.

Actions implemented in the field of building performance:

The aids and tasks of this policy are:
- solving and important energy and eco problems of the population and cooperation for reduction the energy expenses for the end consumers - households, local enterprises etc.;
- forming conditions for reduction of the budget expenses of Municipality for energy, and use saved sources to finance another priority useful public activities;
- development of projects for use of recoverable energy sources of biomass, sun energy, geothermal energy in the populated areas and individual objects;
- study and construction of small power electricity stations;
- public gasification of Samokov.
The Municipality Samokov has significant resources and potential for application of energy saving actions and use of recoverable sources of energy.
The realization of the below listed initiatives will contribute to fulfill the national energy and eco programs for reduction of the hot-house gas emissions under Kyoto protocol.
1.Foundatoin of Municipality bureau for energy effectiveness
2.Foundation of Municipality information system for energy effectiveness
3.Begin to develop a Municipality program for energy effectiveness for:
- reduction of municipality expenses for power
- improvement of the services and conditions in Municipality;
- management of the energy consumption;
- development of business plans and projects for energy effectiveness to be presented to financial institutions, programs and funds in following directions:
a/Projects for reconstruction of the existing school buildings, kindergartens and hospital in order to reduce consumption of power by;
- replacement and change of the joinery works;
- reconstruction of the illumination;
- reconstruction of heating control stations and installing of calorimeters, thermal reflectors and automatic thermostatic valves;
- heat isolation of the roof plates;
- heat isolation of walls in kindergartens constructed fron concrete plates.
b/Increase of energy efficiency of the street illumination by means of replacement of the lamps and bulbs with more effective, optimization and automatization of the working regime.
c/ Project for increase of energy efficiency of the distribution and consumption of heat energy in which to include:
- update of the heating system of housing complex Samokovo;
- reconstruction, completion and isolation of the heat-conduction network in Samokovo housing complex, replacement of compensators
- replacement of old control station with new, fully equipped, modern and automatic indirect control stations. Equipment of new stations. Round connected control stations in one information-dispatcher system.
d/ Project for financing of public gazification of Samokov
e/ Projects for use of recoverable sources of energy and mainly biomass, sun and geothermal energy.
f/ Study of possibilities for construction of small water power electricity stations.

Number of buildings involved up to now:

Day nursery / Kindergarten
General school
Professional school
Administrative building

Swimming pool
Sport hall
Social / Cultural building

Health centre
Rescue centre

Individual house

Contact:Mme Teodora Vassileva
Department:European Integration department

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TCA Award Ceremony 2011 - Brussels (BE)
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Campaign coordination: Energy Cities - 4, chemin du Fort de Bregille - 25000 Besançon
Ian Turner - Tél. : +33 3 81 65 36 80 - Raphaël Chatelet - Tél. : +33 3 81 65 36 80

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