The city of Verona is located in the Veneto Region, in the Padana Plain.
Verona is near the outlet of the Adige River Valley, at the foot of the Lessini Mountains.
The Province is bordered to the North by the Province of Trento, to the North East and the East by the Province of Vicenza, to the South East by the Province of Padua, to the South by the Province of Rovigo, to the West by the Province of Mantova and to the West and North West by the Province of Brescia.
The population counts 258,962 inhabitants (data 31.10.2004), while the population of the province of Verona is approximately 800,000 units.
The working population is about 326,000 units, shared as follows: 184,000 units in the tertiary sector - 117,000 units in the industrial sector and in the handicraft.
Verona is involved in European projects and actions aiming at a substantial change in the local practices of sustainable planning, mobility, environmental policies, following always the same philosophical approach in view of urban sustainability in general.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Diffused district heating
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :