Egaleo Grèce - 73 571 habitants
Présentation de l'organisation :
The Municipality of Egaleo lies to theWest of Athens in an area of 652 he. Two National roads dissects the region into two parts, with different and incopatible uses, a residential area and an industrial zone. The Sacred Way(Iera Odos), the most antique in Europe dissects the region from East to West.
The residential area suffers of the problems of a modern industrial city: unemployment, traffic, pollution and environmental problems caused by the industrial zone and the National Roads which are boundaries of the residential area.
The City Council and the authorities make efforts systematically to intervene successfully in such a complicated environment in order to confront these problems and achieve significant improvements.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Administration of Building consumptions and proper interventions through energy inspections.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :
Crêche / Jardin d'enfants
Enseignement général
Enseignement professionnel
Social / Culturel
Dispensaire médical
Centre de secours
Logement collectif
Habitat individuel |
Commerce |
Restaurant |
Industrie |
Contact : | Mme Caterina BERLI
Département : | Environment
Adresse : | Iera Odos 364 GR-12243 EGALEO
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