Milton Keynes is a new city, created from a small village of 13,000 inhabitants in 1967 growing to 222,300 in 2006. Projected growth continues to be high, at around 3-4% p.a for the next 15 years. Final size of the city is still under strategic review...
The city is located 60km north of London, half way between Oxford and Cambridge, straddling main road, rail and canal routes to the North, East and West of the UK. The administrative area covered by Milton Keynes covers 30,869Ha, but 80% of the population lives in 20% of the land area.
Main economic activities include light industry, warehousing and distribution, support services (offices, administrative centres) and retail outlets.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
In 2006 we adopted a Carbon Management Policy together with a Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) to ensure the policy can be complied with.
2006 marks the introduction of a new local planning policy which requires the inclusion of 10% on site renewable energy production in developments greater than 1000sqM or more than 5 dwellings. In addition, developers will have to contribute to a local Carbon Offset fund on a tariff of £200 per tonne of calculated Carbon Dioxide emmissions of the site in one year. This wiill then be used to fund energy saving projects within the MK area, starting with grants to house owners and landlords.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :