Braintree District Council Royaume-Uni - 135 000 habitants
Présentation de l'organisation :
The Braintree District is in North East Essex in the East of England. It has a population of 135,000 and an area of 61,124 ha. The District has three market towns, Braintree, Witham and Halstead and sixty rural parishes.
As a District Council it is a second tier Local Government Authority and as such is responsible for Housing, Planning, Development and Building Control, Environmental Health, Home Energy Conservation, Waste and Recycling Collections, Street Scene, Community, Leisure and Economic Development.
The main buildings are the Town Hall and Civic Offices in Braintree and area offices in Witham and Halstead, the Direct Services Depot in Braintree, three Leisure Centres, the Discovery Centre in Great Notley, and over 30 Community Buildings.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Lighting control in main buidings.
Cavity wall insulation in main civic offices.
Combined Heat and Power systems in two leisure centres.
Sustainable construction , ground source heating and cooling, gas condensing boilers in the Discovery Centre.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :
Crêche / Jardin d'enfants
Enseignement général
Enseignement professionnel
Social / Culturel
Dispensaire médical
Centre de secours
Logement collectif
Habitat individuel
Contact :
M. Peter Chisnall
Département :
Adresse :
Millennium Tower, Lakes Industrial Park, Lower Chapel Hill, Braintree, Essex GB-CM7 3RU Braintree