With more than 280,000 inhabitants, Utrecht is the fourth largest city of the Netherlands. It forms a conurbanation with Rotterdam, Amsterdam and the Hague.
Utrecht has a rich history that goes back to the beginning of our calendar. The old inner-city, with its canals and cellars by the wharves, ancient churches, and of course the Dom tower, give the city a distinctive character.
Utrecht is building the largest housing area in the country (on one of the so-called Vinex locations). More than 30,000 houses will be completed in the district of Leidsche Rijn in the coming years.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Utrecht presented an new view on energy and climate policy in 2007. With the growing sense of urgency for climate change and the opportunities to act as presented in earlier actions in Utrecht; Utrecht wants to create New Energy.
Key of the policy is that the municipality itself can only do this much, but with the active participation of stakeholders in the city/ region, Utrecht foresees a new economic opportunity: New Energy. Especially in the field of energy efficiency Utrecht and its partners have a lot of knowledge to offer.
For example in district heating, energy saving at residential homes, an energy saving campaign in the municipal buildings over more than ten years, innovative solar tiles at an environmental education centre and much more.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :