Présentation de l'organisation :
This Energy Agency was established in March 1998 with funding from the SAVE II Programme (European Commission - Energy and Transport DG - formerly DGXVII). In May 2006, the Agency enlarged its area of activity to include the Municipalities of Karditsa and was renamed to the Energy Center of Western Thessaly.
The Agency's activities now focus on:
* the accomplishment of new projects in which it participates as a partner
* promotion of RES & RUE projects within the Trikala Prefecture
* dissemination of the results derived from its work
* information and the sensitisation of the local people and local market
* participation in networks, meetings, conferences, etc informing and promoting any future collaboration
European projects:
* Establishment of Pisa, Mayo and Trikala Energy Agencies SAVE II Project (DGXVII/4.1031/L/97-037) (1998 - 2001)
* Development of Small Scale Hydro Power Projects ALTENER II Project (DGXVII/4.1030/Z/98-468) (1999 - 2001)
* Energy Efficient Outdoor Lighting in Urban Areas 'EnLight' SAVE II Project (DGXVII/4.1031/Z/02-077/2002) (2002 -2004)
Key areas of activity: buildings, energy audit, households' energy efficiency, domestic appliances, energy labelling, pupils sensitisation & awareness, small hydro plants, biomass, solar energy, energy efficiency tips, electrical consumption analysis, dissemination.