Bakhmut is an ancient Ukrainian town in Donetsk province located at a crossroads of several transport corridors of national and international importance. The first written mention of it is dated by 1571.
Bakhmut has 75,5 thousand inhabitants.
The town is a large-scale center of rock salt mining as well as of fireclay and gypsum mining. Besides mining industry, Bakhmut has well-developed mechanical engineering, metal-working industry, production of building materials, light industry (shoe and clothing factories) and food industry (the town is famous for its champagne wines).
Bakhmut is a member-city of the Association “Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine” since 2007. In 2009 it joined the Covenant of Mayors.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Bakhmut is implementing the first in Ukraine project of complex thermal renovation of buildings in the neighbourhood “Western” (37 multiple dwellings, supermarket, school and 2 kindergartens, total area – 132,8 thousand sq.m.) designed for the period of 2007-2012. The project implies thermal insulation of the buildings and internal heating systems as well as optimization of the heat supply network (shut-down of the central boiler plant, launch of 4 miniboiler rooms, replacement of heating system with preinsulated pipes and construction of heat points in every building). Total cost of the project is 86 million UAH.
However, because of the insufficient financing (only 40 million UAH have been allocated and used up) the project has not been completed. As a result, 4 miniboiler rooms were launched, 6 km of the heat supply network were changed and only1 multiple dwelling was sanitated.
Actually, a Program on Energy Saving on the Territory Subordinated to the Bakhmut City Council for the Period of 2011-2015 which implies completion of the above-mentioned project is under development to be submitted for approval by the City Council.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :