Green Building Council Georgia Georgie - 5 habitants
Présentation de l'organisation :
Green Building Councils (GBCs) are not-for-profit, member-based organisations that are driving the transformation of buildings, communities and users’ behaviour towards sustainability. The World Green Building Council (WGBC) is a coalition of more than 118 national green building councils.
GBC Georgia is a Georgian national GBC – prospective member of the World GBC and member of European Regional Network of GBCs (ERN).
Mission of GBCGeorgia is promotion of sustainable construction and real estate sectors in Georgia. It aims to support low carbon economy and to steward fossil resources of the country, contributing to energy security of Georgia and mitigatiin of the climate change and other negative environmental impacts in the globe.
GBC Georgia achieves its Mission through supporting green builing market in Georgia - technical assistance to construction industry and real estate stakeholders, education of professionals, support to built environment science, policy advice for government.
Objectives, Strategic Focus
Objectives of GBC Georgia is to create capacity for construction industry and to direct the building sector towards sustainable practice:
(a) Support Georgia’s real estate market by providing measurable third-party verification of the performance of the building stock.
(b) Transfer/adapt to Georgia and develop new technology and knowledge in the sphere of buildings sustainable design and operation.
(c) Monitor the built environment sector performance, evaluate and follow up the impacts from different types of activities.
(d) Participation in the legal darting process supporting the sustainable construction
(e) Provide valuable advice for the government, NGOs, construction / real estate sector, educators
(e) Develop and maintain the national green building rating system and standards.
(f) Facilitate synergy between key stakeholders: government, private sector, NGOs
(g) Share the knowledge to regional and international partners.
(h) Increase green building awareness among construction
professionals, government officials and media
(i) Provide businesses and professionals with a knowledge base for sustainable
(j) provide the market with effective models green building implementation.
(k) unite a community of opinion leaders and all interested in
sustainable construction in order to influence and lead the market.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Development of green and energy efficient buildings rating system for Georgia
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :