Situated in the south-eastern area of Transylvania, Brasov County stretches over a surface measuring 536.309 ha, counting for 2,3 % of Romania.
Brasov city has a population of 286.000 inhabitants and it is considered as being the 5th largest Romanian city. It is located in the central-eastern part of Romania, at 534 m altitude.
Brasov city area has a temperate continental climate.
The average annual temperature is 8ºC (less than the country average annual temperature: 11ºC).
The average temperature during winter months is: -3ºC.
Brasov is located in a gap between hills and mountains, therefore the winter lasts for six months (196 days/year: 06 of October – 20 of April).
The long winters imply significant heating, natural gases and electricity consumption in order to maintain the optimal comfort conditions in dwellings and public buildings.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
E.M.S. - Energy Management Software
Starting this year the Energy Management Agency from Braşov has implemented a web-based software and it is creating its own data base for the water and energy consumption in the public buildings of the city.
The first part of this project started in January 2005 and it is focused on the 28 schools and 26 high schools in the city.
Until now, data from 15 schools and 10 high schools has been introduced, data consisting of bills from 2003, 2004 and 2005. At the end of June 2005 all schools and high schools will be monitored.
After the evaluation of the data:
• 20 schools will be introduced in the Display Campaign.
• The most urgent problems will be addressed and a medium term plan for retrofitting the buildings will be drawn.
The second part of the project consists of implementing E.M.S. in other public buildings, (e.g. theatres, homeless shelters, orphanage, city hall building etc.) and for this step the software must be modified according to each specific situation.
Lighting in classrooms
A demonstrative project was implemented in a school from Braşov together with Philips Romania to show the correct way of lighting a classroom. A guide was printed and disseminated in all the schools and will be a tool for improving the lighting system.
Transforming the roofs into attics
The City Hall provides assistance, both technical and financial to homeowners who want to transform the roof of the block into an attic. After a dissemination campaign the first homeowner associations started this procedure with guidance from the city hall.
Awareness raining campaigns:
- for the introduction of heating meters and thermo valves.
- for selective waste collection.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :
Crêche / Jardin d'enfants
Enseignement général
Enseignement professionnel
Social / Culturel
Dispensaire médical
Centre de secours
Logement collectif
Habitat individuel
Contact :
Mme Camelia Raţă
Département :
ABMEE - Local Eneregy Management Agency
Adresse :
Bdul. M. Kogalniceanu nr. 23, bl. C7, cam. 301 RO-500 090 Braşov