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Display™: united towards class A

Display™: putting an end to energy waste in the administration


The first francophone Swiss city to receive the label ‘Cité de l’energie’ in 1995, Neuchâtel also received the European Energy Award Gold in June 2006. Known for its pedestrian zone and its political support of environmentally friendly mobility, the City also has a policy to promote energy conservation and develop renewable energy.
Neuchâtel produces 35.3 MWh/year of electricity from renewable energy, 92% of which is from two hydroelectric plants. It has also developed a cogeneration unit that feeds a district piped-heat network as well as a museum.
But Neuchâtel is not resting on its laurels. In October of 2005, it reinforced its commitment to energy conservation by joining the Display™ Campaign.

Building details

Type of building: The buildings Displayed in Neuchâtel

_ The first Display™ poster exhibited: June 2006, l’Hôtel Communal and l’Hôtel de Ville

Public buildings: 200

Buildings participating in Display™: 41

Out of which: school buildings: 20; administrative buildings: 15.

Project Description

Aim To encourage the local authority in Neuchâtel to display energy consumption figures in its public buildings.
Key points - The first phase of the Display™ communications campaign mainly addresses caretakers who service and monitor equipment in communal buildings; they therefore directly deal with the management of energy consumption.
- Neuchâtel became the first francophone community in Switzerland to hold "Energy Weeks" in December 2004.
- Thanks to the initiative of a group of environmental science students at the Polytechnical School in Zurich, the urban planning department, the sports department, and the fire-prevention and sanitary services, two weeks were devoted to energy issues. Clear and informative, these weeks were designed to raise awareness and motivate the city officials that took part to save energy in the workplace.
- From now on, the Display poster will be used to kick off the "Energy Weeks." Sensitized to energy efficiency in public buildings by the poster, community employees and citizens will now be more receptive to this campaign.
- Furthermore, Neuchâtel wishes to include the general public by addressing citizens. The information events that address employees of the community’s administration are complemented by an operation to raise awareness among the general public.
- The Display poster is put up in the hall of the entrance to public buildings to educate the public about complex energy, water, and climate issues. As part of this campaign, information concerning energy use in community buildings is given to administration visitors and the local press.
- Neuchâtel, which wishes to establish an ongoing dialogue with its staff and citizens, is also organising expositions, conferences, and public information meetings on energy conservation all year long.
- Neuchâtel’s caretakers of public buildings and administrators are actively involved in measures to save energy.
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example Thanks to the Display™ Campaign, Neuchâtel has opened up dialogue among the stakeholders and citizens to shed light on and combat a large number of mistaken notions about energy. This is a communication campaign that deserves to be replicated!


Costs &


The Neuchâtel Energy City programme (5th stage) is financing the Display™ Campaign in its event called "Ongoing review - education for caretakers." The campaign has a budget of around 15,000 CHF (9,563 €).
Benefits - The caretakers receive technical information during a half-day lecture, further they participate in an education course entitled "Intelligent heating" in addition to a "Caretaker’s Heating Guide" and the brochure "Principles for the optimization of heating systems";
- The Display™ programme in Neuchâtel also provides general information about energy issues to building users, a document produced by ANIME and distributed to 1,000 participants in the community administration, the "Little manual of energy conservation in everyday life" and three leaflets in the series "A brief overview of energy conservation," which present summaries of the potential energy savings in various sectors: electricity, water, waste, heating, mobility, and transport.


Partnership details Through the initiative of the local energy officer, the Display™ communication campaign has gotten under way thanks to the participation and active involvement of a number of local actors:
- Neuchâtel’s Association of Energy Information (ANIME) for documentation;
- The Canton’s Centre for professional training in building management to offer courses to caretakers;
- Neuchâtel’s energy delegate to monitor education;
- Environmental science students at the Polytechnical School of Zurich, who organise "Energy Weeks";
- The local press, which covered the Display™ campaign and the City’s participation positively.


Achievements _ Thanks to the Display™ Campaign, Neuchâtel hopes to reduce its heating energy demand by 15% for its administration buildings by 2010.
- Furthermore, a programme for the renovation of buildings will be accompanying the Display™ Campaign to provide even greater energy conservation.

Finally, Neuchâtel will be displaying the double poster "before/after renovation" to show the effects of the work undertaken in the buildings and the savings made if the building moves up an energy class.

To know more

Organisation Municipalité de Neuchâtel
Contact Christian Trachsel
Email Website

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Campaign coordination: Energy Cities - 4, chemin du Fort de Bregille - 25000 Besançon
Ian Turner - Tél. : +33 3 81 65 36 80 - Raphaël Chatelet - Tél. : +33 3 81 65 36 80

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