Egaleo – Greece
9TH PRIMARY SCHOOL - Many hands make light work as whole school skips to low energy beat

Having made a commitment to environmental sustainability, the 9th Primary School, Egaleo has gone on to mainstream the issue by participating in a rich array of related projects:
1. It is a member of Ecological Schools, an advisory resource administered by the Hellenic Society established to help schools protect the environment 2. It collaborates with the Italian NGO Legambiente, in its annual ‘Clean up the Mediterranean’ campaign 3. The School is participating in the Egaleo Municipality’s ‘refurbishment of school gardens’ pilot project 4. Every year it implements a new environmental project through the Ecological Network of the Aegean University 5. In 2005 the School implemented a water awareness and conservation project called Water: Source of Life 6. Beginning in 2004, the school undertook the initiative Rational Use of Energy and Renewable Energy Sources. The project was implemented in collaboration with the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature, who awarded the School with the ‘Flag of Ecological Schools’
On the back of such successes, the School joined Display, and with the support of teachers, parents, and of course the pupils, it set out to achieve the best possible rating for energy consumption primarily by making low-cost, behavioural changes.
Building details |
Type of building: |
Primary School of brick/concrete block construction |
Year of construction/ Floor area/ Operating hours: |
1970’s |
Heating and cooling / measures installed |
There have been limited changes to the building fabric, heating and cooling systems, beyond general maintenance. |
Energy label/CO2 emissions |
In 2005 the School achieved Class A in energy consumption and B in both CO2 emissions and water consumption. |
ProjectDescription |
Aim |
The project aims to reduce energy and water consumption in the school primarily through changes in behaviour. |
Key points |
The Municipality was particularly conscious of the significant burden that water consumption contributes to its overall operating costs, and so supported the School’s activities through its water reduction policy framework. The municipality implemented an advanced irrigation system for the School’s garden and the 9th Primary School is to be promoted as an exemple for other schools in the area. Focus on behavioural change led to numerous practices being adopted, including:
Children drew small labels reminding pupils and staff to switch off lights in empty rooms, to open curtains and switch off lights on sunny days, and open windows and doors to allow natural ventilation. These were posted on classroom doors around the school.
Both the interior and exteriors of the school buildings were painted in light, reflective colours to reduce solar radiation during the summer months.
Savings were achieved at low cost, and with financial support from both local and multi-national businesses. |
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example |
This Shining Example demonstrates that, even when faced with moderately aged buildings, Class A status can be achieved when a great number of people make modest but sustained changes in their behaviour. However, many of the school’s successes would not have been possible without the explicit support from key decision makers within the municipality. |

Costs&Benefits |
Costs &
Due to the behavioural nature of the measures adopted, costs were kept to a minimum: funds were needed for educations materials and for visits to bio-climatic installations approximated €1,000. These were covered in full by the various sponsors, including local shops and the supermarket chain, LIDL |
Benefits |
Each year, the School receives a fixed sum of money to cover its expenses; so by engaging with pupils and saving energy, the school was able to re-allocate fuel bill savings to more beneficial areas.
After the measures were implemented, energy bills from each trimester were compared with corresponding trimesters from the previous year. |

Partners&Roles |
Partnership details |
Egaleo Municipality provided key support to the school, and financial support by businesses in the local area was warmly welcomed. |
Recommendations |
Achievements |
The key to this school’s success in Display lies in its past: The 9th Primary School has been involved in a number of environmental projects over several years; step by step its pupils, parents and teaching staff have become increasingly aware of the issues to the extent that sustainability has become institutionalised: every year a new challenge is met and every class in every school in the community is engaged – proving that many hands make light work! _ Furthermore sponsors are keen to support the school as they are confident of its success: everyone likes a winner. |
Lessons Learned |
Adopting an approach similar to the one that led to energy savings, this year the new target is to drive water consumption Towards Class A. |
To know more |
9th Primary School |
Contact |
Mrs Efthimia Tzigou & Katerina Berli |
Phone |
0030 210 5315 835 |
Email | |
Arrangements to visit |
Contact Katerina Berli |
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