Echirolles - France (en)
Display®: everyone has a role to playBackground
In 2004, after three years of work Echirolles adopted its own Agenda 21 based on 170 concrete steps to promote local sustainable development. Specifically, the goals concerned air quality and the protection of resources. In extending its Local Climate Plan, the town is now working on a coherent local energy policy that will lead to its first certification as a Cité de l’énergie© in 2007. Since 10 years, schoolchildren have been taught about the environment and sustainable development in collaboration with a number of associations. Launched in 2006 in schools and sports halls, the Display® Campaign was well integrated in this initiative.
Building details |
The first Display® project : |
March 2007 |
Buildings participating in Display® : |
80 |
Of which : |
- Mainly schools and gymnasiums

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Key points |
An educational campaign on energy focusing on school children :
Display® was presented in 18 primary school classes in six of the 10 schools in Echirolles, thus reaching a total of 430 schoolchildren aged nine to 10. The organiser from AGEDEN presented three modules on energy, each three hours long, to every class. Among other things, the children learned what was at stake, what society’s needs are, where energy comes from, and how it is consumed / produced at school, at home, and generally in town. Notebook in their hands, the schoolchildren then conducted a survey on energy and water consumption in their school (and at home) that served as a basis for a calculation of energy efficiency in the building. Then they worked with teachers to come up with ways to save energy and water, which were included on the Display® poster so that the building could move towards class A. Finally, pupils and teachers took place in events in which they share their experience with all of the pupils at the school, all of the other teachers, other school staff, and parents of the schoolchildren (small exhibitions, visits, theatre presentations, etc.). The results of this first year are to be presented at the end of 2007 so that new targets can be set for the following year. A communication campaign in Echirolles’ six sports halls
In the fall of 2006, preparation work was done in collaboration with the environmental and sustainable development department, technical services, and the sports department. Officials, technicians, and caretakers of the sports halls took part in a half-day awareness-raising campaign for Display®. Improper equipment, usage, and user behaviour was discussed, and improvements were proposed. At the same time, energy audits were performed in two sports halls that will be renovated in 2007. Recommendations were then drawn up and put on the poster under the section "simple actions" and "technical solutions". The Display® poster is expected to be hung up in March 2007 in the lobby, with a small exhibition explaining the poster also being organised along with informational documents (leaflets on Display®, ADEME, etc.). In addition, all users of the gymnasium are being called on by leaders of the sports club and groups of schoolchildren to take part in an informational meeting directed by the director of the environmental and sustainable development department and attended by caretakers and sports club leaders. A film by the Nicola Hulot Foundation on climate change will be shown to explain to users what role energy plays Display® will then be presented when behaviour in the sports halls is discussed. Then, the floor will be open for debate. _ Simultaneously, a press spokesperson will be on hand to ensure that the Display® Campaign is covered; various projects will be discussed, including the construction of the new high quality environment (HQE) town hall, which began in September of 2006, and the town’s local energy policy project. Finally, the town’s means of communications will also be utilised: the Municipal Cité Echirolles bulletin, and a website on Display® will be added to the town’s home page.
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example |
Echirolles is currently conducting an awareness-raising campaign on energy issues specifically targeting school children and users of sports halls. All the different municipal sectors have created a true network to ensure that the operation is a success. |

Costs & funding |
The global budget for the three years from 2006 to 2008 devoted to communication and organization is estimated at 54,370 euros (working hours). Additional subsidies are being requested from various partners (ADEME, the region, etc.). |

Partners & Roles |
Partnership details |
The actors from the schools and sport halls involved in the Display® communications campaign, that is from the schools and sports halls, created a network that was well balanced and collaborative:
the environmental and sustainable development department directs the campaign along with the Energy Collectivity consisting of elected officials and officers from the municipality who define the town’s energy policy;
building caretakers offer insights into the technical equipment used in buildings, manage the data required to calculate the figures for Display®, and take care of specific matters in schools;
the education department and AGEDEN (Association Grenobloise d’Études et de Développement des Énergies Nouvelles – Isère), which handle the topic of renewable energy in educational matters, and the sports department, which takes care of sports halls, collaborated to design and organise an educational programme and related events. |

Recommendations |
Lessons Learnt |
_ In 2007, Display® poster will be hung up in 80 municipal buildings, including all schools, the new HQE town hall, kindergartens, libraries, etc. At the same time, the campaign will target administrative officers, building users, and visitors. _ Furthermore, an "Energy Week" will be held for municipal staff — 900 officers and 39 elected officials — in March of 2007 as a side event for a conference in the presence of a person in the national media spotlight. In addition, a film on climate change will be shown, followed by an exposition, a forum, a competitive game, daily information on the intranet, and monitoring of energy consumption during the week and communications support on energy and offices. |
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