The first biomass boiler installed in a school in Klokocov as part of a full refurbishment
BIOMASA Association is a non-profit organisation, whose members are mainly municipalities. Its activities include the promotion of biomass through the installation and operation of biomass boilers and the production of pellets. In the context of taking an integrated approach to the creation of a pellet market in Slovakia, 44 fossil boiler rooms from 15 to 2,500 kW have been converted to biomass, mainly in public buildings. These boiler rooms were the first to use wood pellets in Slovakia.

The school building before the reconstruction
The school in Klokocov, a small village in the Northwest of Slovakia, was one of the two pilot projects undertaken in 2000-2001. The school building badly needed rehabilitation – the wooden window frames and doors were worn out, there was no thermal insulation of the outside walls and the roof, the distribution pipes had leaks, and the radiators and electrical installations also needed improvement. In addition, the boiler room was running on fossil fuels (coal, coke and sludge) and was not energy efficient.

The school building after reconstruction
Building details
Type of building
School building made of solid brick with 3 floors. |
Year built/ Floor area/ Operating hours
The building was erected in 1962 with a total floor area of 1,650 m2. It is open 50 hours per week from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. |
Heating and cooling installed
The boiler house is running on wood pellets. |
Energy label/ CO2 emissions
A Display poster is yet to be erected in the school, but it has a rating of A for both energy consumption and CO2 emissions. |
The aim of the project was to combine the complete reconstruction and upgrade of the school building, which was done as a pilot project for school buildings’ rehabilitation in Slovakia, with the boiler room reconstruction and the fuel switch from fossil fuels to wood pellets. _ Klokocov school was the pilot project of BIOMASA Association for the replacement of an old fossil boiler using coal and coke with a biomass boiler. _ As a result of the project, a reduction in CO2 emissions and lower energy bills for heating were expected. |
Key points
New heating system _
The new biomass heating boiler was installed in the main school building. It is a small district heating unit using biomass as a fuel, which provides the heating for the school (including the school gym and canteen), two one-storey homes, the municipal office building and the village service building. This boiler, with a total output of 910 kW, replaced the two old inefficient coal and coke boilers previously in the school and in the municipal administration building. _ Building retrofit _ The school building’s retrofit included: - Replacement of windows and doors
Thermal insulation of the outside walls and the roof
Replacement of the heat distribution pipes
Installation of new radiators
Installation of heat zone regulation
Upgrading of the electrical installations
Improvement of the façade _ Monitoring confirmed the reduction of heat consumption due to the improvement of the thermal characteristics of the building, the replacement of windows and the heating zone temperature controls. The achieved heat consumption savings were 52.4 %. _
 _ The installation of the new biomass boiler and rehabilitation of the building were promoted at many meetings and awareness raising activities, organised by BIOMASA staff. BIOMASA staff communicated intensively with the mayor of the municipality, the director of the school, the politicians and state employees (as schools were state property at that time), as well the parents of the pupils and residents to promote the benefits that the project achieved – both environmental and economical. |
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example
This project and the experience gained during its successful implementation shows that a strong partnership between the state, the municipality and a non-governmental organisation can achieve excellent results in energy saving and protection of the environment and can be a good example to follow. |
Costs &
Costs &
The project was financed by grants, a state subsidy, private home owners connected to the heating system and the municipal’s budget. The total investment cost was €336,000 (boiler room, distribution system, building reconstruction). _ The new boiler room was financed by a grant from DEPA (Danish Environmental Protection Agency) and the pipes and valves by the owners of the homes connected to the distribution system and by the municipality (as owner of the school’s distribution system at that time). The energy efficiency reconstruction of the school building was financed by the state. _ BIOMASA is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the boiler house and for the fuel supply (BIOMASA supplies pellets from its own plant, although at the beginning the wood chips were sourced from neighbouring producers). The association guarantees the proper functioning of the boiler and has signed a contract with all consumers for a period of 12 years for fixed price monthly payments for the heat delivered. |
 School children visit the Klokocov boiler room _ This project resulted in a 50% saving in energy and heating costs. The price of the heat delivered by the wood pellet boiler is 20% lower than the country’s average price for heat delivery.
The CO2 emissions were reduced by 560 tonnes/annum (compared to the brown coal used before) for all of the connected buildings.
In addition, emissions of CO and NOx have been measured in 2001 and in 2006 and there has been a substantial reduction in these gases, which are now much lower than the reference values. _
 _ Another benefit of the project is that those receiving their heat from the biomass boiler no longer have to take care of their heating system or fuel supply. The new heating system also provides a greater comfort level for the end users of the heat because their heat supply is now stable, without ups and downs. _ The school rooms are now better heated and provide a higher level of comfort for pupils and teachers. _ The broad awareness raising campaign that BIOMASA organised to promote the measures that were implemented in the school changed the attitude of the local community in regards to environmental issues.
Partners details
Partners & Roles
This project was initiated, designed, implemented and managed by BIOMASA. The whole project required serious management and cooperation between all of the parties involved. The coordination of the various activities was also performed by BIOMASA, an expert in biomass boilers, thus securing the successful implementation of the project. _ The Energy Research Institute VVUPS-NOVA from Bratislava planned and managed the energy reconstruction of the school building. Their work was also crucial to the success of the project. |
The monitoring and evaluation of the boiler is done periodically by BIOMASA. The implementation of the project has been challenging for all of the parties involved, but the results show that the use of renewables and energy saving measures is the right way to reduce energy consumption and protect the environment. |
Lessons Learned
More buildings were planned to be connected to the heating system than were actually connected. As a result, the boiler room has a substantially higher capacity for heat delivery than it is currently delivering. _ Based on the example of this pilot project, BIOMASA has successfully completed many other projects in public and private buildings. As a result, many people in the Slovak Republic have been convinced that heating using biomass is a promising possibility for a more energy efficient and cheaper source of heating. _ BIOMASA is taking the lead in organising public awareness raising activities based on the utilisation of Renewable Energy Systems (RES), particularly biomass, in Slovakia. Many people and different organisations now contact BIOMASA with requests for consultations or advice. |
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