A Czech primary school team introduces, supports and encourages environmental education
The Display® campaign and its aims were presented to the councillors in the town of Krupka during an official council meeting at the beginning of 2007. Although the councillors decided to join the campaign, it was still difficult to convince them to actively support the activities related to its implementation.
The Masarykova primary school in the town of Krupka has been working on environmental issues for several years. Thanks to the dedication of the school’s management to these issues and the fruitful cooperation between the school and the regional branch of the private company Knauf Insulation in the field of sustainable energy education, the first Display® poster in this small town was produced for Masarykova primary school in May 2007.

Building details
Type of building
The Masarykova primary school is a solid brick building consisting of two parts. |
Year built/ Floor area/ Operating hours
The school was built in 1937 and has a total floor area of 2,940m2. It operates 40 hours per week, from Monday to Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. |
Heating and cooling installed
The school is heated by an old gas boiler. |
Energy label/ CO2 emissions
The school’s energy consumption before the start of the Display® campaign was 265kWh/m2/year, the CO2 emissions 62 kg/m2/year and the water consumption 390 l/m2/year. As the campaign was only launched this year, this is the only poster that has been produced so far. _
Through participation in the Display® campaign, the school’s administration aimed to continue to work in the field of environmental education, an issue that has been in its focus for quite a long time. The school wanted to use the campaign to increase the awareness of pupils and teachers in regards to sustainable energy issues and energy saving opportunities. |
Key points
 The official launching of the Display® campaign in Masarykova primery school _ The Display® campaign launching event was combined with Knauf Insulation’s information campaign under the title “It is time to save energy”. The event focused on energy efficiency issues. A big Display® poster was hung up above the school’s entrance for the launch. _ In connection with the event, a special press conference was held for the local media, with the participation of energy experts, representatives of Knauf Insulation and the school’s administration. All pupils and teachers and a lot of parents attended the ceremony. As a side event a competition for painting and writing an essay on the topic “School of the future” was organised. The winners were presented awards during the launch event. _ After the launch event a video was produced that can be downloaded from the website of the Masarykova primary school at www.mzskrupka.cz. _ Another activity which is logically connected to the process of raising awareness of sustainable energy issues is the introduction of energy topics into the educational programme of the pupils. Special teaching aids that will help the students to understand the importance of sustainable energy management and encourage them to change their habits have already been developed and will be used from autumn 2007 onwards. |
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example
The example of the Czeck Masarykova primary school shows the strong commitment of the school’s administration to environmental issues and their will to include them in the school curriculum. Their initiative to look for support for different school environmental initiatives from industry in the region is also praiseworthy. |
Costs &
Costs &
The work undertaken by the school’s administration so far is just the beginning of their activities directed at both energy, CO2 and water savings and environmental education that may change the habits of their pupils. _ The school has not received any financial support so far besides the support of Knauf Insulation. If after the next heating season the school’s administration succeeds to convince the town council that even simple measures and changes in behaviour can achieve good results, the council might support energy efficiency improvements to municipal sites and the Display® campaign might gain more participants. |
The school is already implementing several projects related to the environment and sustainable development and this work has been recognised with awards (see picture). The enthusiasm of the school’s administration and their desire to introduce environmental education will produce results that will be beneficial for the pupils, the teachers and the whole community in this small town. _
Partners details
Partners & Roles
Before the town joined the Display® campaign, a successful partnership between Energie-Cites, the Healthy Cities municipal association of the Czech Republic, the private company KNAUF Insulation, the energy consultant company PORSENNA o.p.s., the town council and Masarykova primary school was established. The partners are working together on other regional projects and they are planning joint activities in the future for the implementation of an Environmental Educational Programme. |
The main obstacle for the implementation of the Display® campaign was the lack of effective communication with and support from the town council representatives. _ The main achievement of launching the campaign was the increased awareness of sustainable energy topics and the start of behavioural changes at least among pupils, their parents and the school’s staff. |
Lessons Learned
The school acknowledges that the Display® campaign is just a good starting point for wider activities in the future in the field of sustainable energy. _ The school’s management plans to teach the pupils how to monitor their energy and water consumption and to gather data for the next Display® poster as part of the “Educational energy programme”. _ The hanging of the next Display® poster will be accompanied by an event that will engage more residents. The event will take place under the slogan “City sport and research day” and the audience will be presented with a lot of practical actions and experiments in the field of energy saving, which pupils will have learned as part of the energy programme. In addition, a competition between different schools will be organised. |
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