Big Posters in Municipal Buildings
City of Ivanic-Grad is the first Croatian city who joined European Display Campaign with an aim to encourage energy efficiency in public buildings, even before it becomes a legal obligation.
Croatia has recently adopted Regulations for buildings energy certification to implement EU Directive 2002/91/EC. Building Energy Certificate has to include referent values to provide consumers comparison and valuation of building energy characteristics, and references for economic conveniently improvement of energy characteristic of a building.
Therefore, The City of Ivanić-Grad is a step ahead of others and on that way approves readiness to join the EU.

The City of Ivanic-Grad is obligated on enforcement proactive energy politics with an aim to improve energy efficiency and reduction of emission of harmful impact on environment as well as rising citizen’s awareness on necessity of effectively energy management in their homes.
The City of Ivanić-Grad has joined the Project “Systematic energy management in the cities and counties in Republic of Croatia”.
Building details
Type of building
Administrative |
Year of construction
The building was built in 1900’s |
Energy label/CO2 emissions
Energy rating G, CO2 rating G, Water use rating G in 2006 |
To focus on the poorly rated administrative building and combine a large poster Display with visible renovation work. This ensures that their will be improvements in visible and symbolic buildings and result in reduced heating and electricity costs for the city. |
Key points
The City of Ivanic-Grad was the first Croatian city to join the European Display® Campaign. Although Ivanic-Grad is a small city and does not have a special department for energy efficiency it has shown its leadership and its commitment to sustainable development. All Display campaign activities are managed by Mrs. Vlatka Berlan Vlahek, head of the City Development Department. _ Apart from hanging Display posters on the outside of their buildings facade, the city of Ivanic-Grad have carried out proactive actions, such as:

Large scale renovations (In 2 years they have refurbished 2 municipal buildings).
A high level presentation (24 October 2008) about the Display® Campaign was done, where prominent institutions and journalist were present.
Disseminating information about all the activities done on the city web pages and production of communication material as postcards and stickers. _ The high level presentation attracted numerous journalists which resulted in a great number of articles being printed and electronic media as well as broadcasts on local radio stations and coverage on two television channels! _

_ In April 2009, leaflets on energy efficiency and a set of Display stickers and postcards has been distributed to the citizens of Ivanic-Grad by the City together with the annual invoice for rates and taxes.
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example
The Municipal Headquarters exhibited the largest (to date) Display poster on the municipal headquarters building.The city decided to base its communication strategy on buildings with a general poor performance. This is the case of the municipal headquarters, where its Energy, CO2 and Water class were G in 2006. _

_ Reconstruction includes replacement of old energy insufficient windows with new better ones, new thermal insulation on facades and changing of water-taps and boilers. _ The objective is to raise awareness of the need to save energy and contribute in other ways to reach sustainable development in the city and by choosing poor buildings and renovating them the city can show that they can be improved. The city of Ivanic-Grad is working in an integral way. It is working on improving the challenges it has. In this way, citizens can get involved in the concerns of the city and at the same time they can see actions and facts, not only “good intentions”.
Costs &
Costs &
City of Ivanic-Grad applied a Facade Renovation Project of the Municipal Headquarters and established the right for free financial support to the amount of 40% of total revonation expenses. |
By insulating the external walls of the municipal headquarters, the city has already started to see some benefits.
The financial savings are around 800 € per month.
The building’s performance in 2006 was triple “G”. In 2007 the Energy ratio and CO2 emissions remained in class “G”, but water consumption raised to class “F”. While in 2008 a clear improvement became visible. The Energy ratio it is now class “D”, CO2 emissions class “E” and Water consumption class “E”. _

_ The local business community in Ivanic-Grad also benefited from the project because local companies were hired to carry out the renovation process.
Partners details
Partners & Roles
REGEA. The main objective and role of the Agency is to promote and encourage regional sustainable development in the fields of energy and environmental protection through renewable energy sources (RES) utilization and implementing energy efficiency measures.
REGEA’s contribution to Ivanić-Grad’s Display Campaign is advisory and mostly connected to translations of technical terms and interpretations of data on the posters. _ EIHP. Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar is a non-profit institution. Its goals are to provide expert and scientific support to: the strategic development of the Croatian energy system and its sub-systems, the processes of legislative reform and development, the advancement of economic relations, and the development of relevant institutions.
The contribution of EIHP to Ivanic-Grad’s Display Campaign was the preparation of data on national energy statistic and adjustment for comparisons. _ FZOEU. Environmental Protection and Energy efficiency Fund gives each year financial support on energy efficiency projects. The City of Ivanić-Grad applied Facade Renovation Project on Municipal Headquarters and achieved the right for free financial support in the amount of 40% of total renovation expenses. |
Croatia has recently adopted the EU Directive 2002/91/EC regulations for energy certification in buildings. The Building Energy Certificate has to include referent values to provide consumers with comparisons, the value of the building’s energy characteristics, and references for economically feasible actions to improve the energy characteristic of the building. By the time Croatia enters the EU all public buildings will have to have a certificate. _ In the City of Ivanić-Grad they are especially proud of their involvement in the Display® Campaign, because the City is the first in Croatia to produce Energy posters, even before it become a legal obligation. Therefore, The City of Ivanić-Grad is a step ahead of the others and shows that it is ready to join the EU. |
Lessons Learned
Although all the administrative buildings evaluated in Ivanic-Grad have a performance of class “G”, it is an example for other cities to base their strategy on buildings with a “3G” classification. And to show in a very clear way with huge posters that these buildings “need some help”. The “display” of a very large poster on the outside of the buildings linked with strong communication initiatives that are visible to the public such as the refurbishment of those buildings and “Good housekeeping” recommendations for users of the building are key to the success that has been achieved in Ivanic-Grad. _

To know more
City of Ivanic Grad |
Vlatka Berlan Vlahek |
00385 99 2831 369 |
+385 1 2881 678 |
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