The Campaign
The European Display® Campaign is a voluntary scheme designed by energy experts from European towns and cities. When started in 2003 it was initially aimed at encouraging local authorities to publicly display the energy and environmental performances of their public buildings using the same energy label that is used for household appliances. Since 2008 private companies are also encouraged to use Display for their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. See Participate for more information.
As most Member States now have a National certificate for their existing public buildings, Display is increasingly being used as a complementary communication tool. With its strong emphasis on local communication campaigns and large variety of communication tools Display goes beyond the basic requirements of the EPBD. Especially the evolution poster allows displaying in a clear manner the efforts made and the improvements of energy efficiency of public buildings.
A voluntary common European Union certification scheme?
Far from it: although the EPBD recast legislative process of May 2010 requires the European Commission to developprovides a common European certification for the energy performance of non-residential buildings, however the Member States to date have not reached an agreement on a system. The introduction of this voluntary scheme, which will be the same in all Member States and exist alongside the national certification scheme, has been postponed until 2015. Energy Cities feels that Display can provide the EU, if Member States agree, with the opportunity to introduce an already tried and tested voluntary common European Union certification for the energy performance of non-residential buildings. It is all the more gratifying, that hundreds of Display participants have been implementing this pan-European label since 2003. It is felt that the common approach will go a long way to reducing the current confusion.
Fully supported by the European Commission
In October 2001 the European association Energie-Cités suggested that: “Without waiting for the Directive on the energy performance of buildings to be passed, municipalities start to Display the energy performance of their buildings frequented by the general public”. Only one month later Energie-Cités submitted the first Display project proposal.
The 30-month pilot phase started in January 2003 while the public Display Campaign was launched in April 2004. From 2005 untill April 2011 the Campaign was co-financed by the European Commission under the Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme. At first under the project title "Towards Class A" and then from 2008 as *C*ommunicate *Y*our *B*uildings *E*nergy *R*ating (CYBER) Display.
Since 2011, the campaign is essentially financed by participation fees and specific contracts with Member States and participating local authorities.

The biggest potential to save energy in Europe is in the building sector. By displaying the performance of buildings (i.e. being transparent) one can engage citizens and make them more conscious of their energy consumption.
Our associated partners cover a wide range of private companies, public associations and NGOs. Under the umbrella of a partnership agreement they engage themselves in the successful application of the Display® Campaign. On the one hand, the associations and organisations are partners that work at the national level to promote the Campaign to their members and to assist them in its implementation. On the other hand, the private partners offer financial and know-how support and thus facilitate the practical implementation of the Display® Campaign and the improvement of energy and water performance of public buildings.
Private companies, public associations and NGOs are invited to become an associate partner of the Display Campaign.
Associations and organisations are partners that work at the national level to promote the Campaign to their members and to assist them in its implementation.
Private partners offer financial and know-how support and thus facilitate the improvement of energy and water performance of public buildings in Europe.
We present you our sponsors:

The online software, a core element of the Display® Campaign, is currently available in the majority of the official European languages. Once you have registered your buildings you can with a few clicks edit a Poster and compare performances using the local or national statistics options and provide data and graphs for your energy management reports.
Quicklinks :
1. Approach and Methodology
2. Software Guide
1. Approach and Methodology
The Display calculation tool determines the primary energy, carbon dioxide equivalents and water consumption performance indicators using the so-called “operational rating scheme”. Display pilot cities opted for this scheme because :
- Final energy consumption data can be easily obtained ; and
- Operational rating certificates can be updated yearly and therefore also act as a measure of quality of the management and used to motivate the building - caretakers and users.
The first step for all Display® Campaign participants is to collect simple baseline data and feed this into the Display® calculation tool. Data requirements include readily available information such as :
- Annual consumption for lighting and equipment in kWh
- Annual heating and hot water consumption in kWh
- Annual water consumption in m3
Try ans see for yourself :
Asset rating vs operational rating
The calculation methodology for Asset rating is based on the characteristics of a building and its installed equipment for lighting, ventilation and air-conditioning assuming standard conditions for occupancy, climate, environment and use.
Operational rating is based on metered energy consumption which includes energy uses for all purposes and in actual conditions.
Compare and display annual consumption and carbon data
The statistics section of the calculation tool allows each Display® user to compare the energy, and water use for their building stock by year and compare the total carbon emission of their buildings.
2. Software Guide
Please find the current version of the Display User’s Guide for the calculation tool on the publicly available wiki currently available in English, French, German and Hungarian. It will lead you through the online calculation tool and explain its different sections.
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