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In which languages is the Display® software available ?

The Display® software is currently available in the following languages :

bg - български

cz- čeština

de - Deutsch

en - English

es - español

et - eesti keel

fi- suomi

fr - français

hr – hrvatski

hu - magyar

it - italiano

nl - Nederlands

ro – română

sl - slovenčina

The Display poster is currently available in 25 languages :

bg - български

cs - čeština

cy - Cymraeg

da - dansk

de - Deutsch

el - ελληνικά

en - English

es - español

et - eesti keel

fi - suomi

fr - français

hu - magyar

hr - hrvatski

it - italiano

lv - latviešu valoda

lt - lietuvių kalba

nl - Nederlands

pl - polski

pt - português

ro - română

sv - svenska

sk - slovenčina

sl - slovenščina

sr - српски језик

uk - українська мова

For those participants, who want to use the Display® software in their own language, the Display® team provides an online translation package. Please contact us if you want to extend the number of languages that the Display® Campaign covers. In this case we will offer you free membership in the campaign.

Joining Display®
Is collective membership possible ?
Who can participate in the Display® Campaign ?
Can I see who is already a member of the Display® Campaign ?
What do I need to do to join Display® ?
How much is the membership fee ?
How is the Display® fee calculated ?
What are the benefits of joining the Display® campaign ?
How can Display help me with my communication campaign?

What commitments do members enter into ?
Are Display members obliged to display the poster if the classification indicates a poor rating (e.g. F or G) ?
Can Display® replace my National certificate ?
Which tools are provided by the display Campaign ?
Is it possible to try out the Display® poster generation tool free of charge before becoming a participant ?

The Display® Software
Which methodology does the Display software use ?
What data are necessary to create an individual Display® poster ?
Which building types does the Display® tool take into account ?
In which languages is the Display® software available ?
How much time does it take to create an individual Display® poster ?
Do you require in depth technical knowledge to produce a Display poster ?

Technical Questions
Are the Display results in Pamplona comparable to those in Helsinki ?
Why does Display only use one single Classification scheme per building type for the whole of Europe ? Is it not more appropriate to develop a classification scheme per climate zone ?
Why are the ratios measured per square metre and not per user of the building ?
Why does Display® use a local weather correction factor ?
Is it possible to import existing data ?
Which data sources does the Display software use ?
Which different kinds of energy supply of a building are included ?
Do you check the data that is entered ?

24 janvier 2025
All good things come to an end
5 janvier 2017
PETITION : Display label as an energy performance certificate
24 novembre 2016
The low-carbon future starts in buildings : Display® Campaign presented at COP 22
8 avril 2016
Energy performance label : Finnish cities support the Display label and call for clearer rules for the voluntary EU scheme

Are the Display results in Pamplona comparable to those in Helsinki ?
Why does Display only use one single Classification scheme per building type for the whole of Europe ? Is it not more appropriate to develop a classification scheme per climate zone ?
Why are the ratios measured per square metre and not per user of the building ?
Why does Display® use a local weather correction factor ?
Is it possible to import existing data ?
Which data sources does the Display software use ?
Which different kinds of energy supply of a building are included ?
Do you check the data that is entered ?

You are here: > English > Display in a nutshell > MEDIA
Your communication campaign
Display in a nutshell
The Campaign
Display adaptation
How to participate
Participation fees
Users Clubs
Communication tools
Examples to follow
Photos and videos
Media coverage
Communication download
Shining Examples
What is the TCA Award?
Shining Examples
TCA Award Ceremony 2011 - Brussels (BE)
Building statistics poster
Exhibition Gallery
Campaign coordination: Energy Cities - 4, chemin du Fort de Bregille - 25000 Besançon
Ian Turner - Tél. : +33 3 81 65 36 80 - Raphaël Chatelet - Tél. : +33 3 81 65 36 80

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